Our Partners

We are happy to cooperate with some of the leading organizations within their respective fields across the world:


NorgesGruppen has for a long time been concerned with the sustainability goals and especially responsibility in its supply chains. The King Institute has together with Norgesgruppen developed the report on «Migrant workers in Norwegian value chains for food production».

Nettside: https://www.norgesgruppen.no


Ever since the establishment of the Coretta & Martin Luther King Institute for Peace Work, we have had a creative collaboration with Dinamo (formerly Dice). We are happy to have partners who get involved in what we do and who contribute beyond the ordinary for us to achieve our goals!

Nettside: https://www.dinamo.no


The AKO Foundation was established by Nicolai Tangen, the founder of AKO Capital, in April 2013. Since its inception, the foundation has distributed grants of around £ 100 million. The foundation supports our «Summer School for Innovation and Conflict Transformation» – a collaboration with AYINET in Uganda.

Nettside: https://www.akofoundation.org

Journal of Modern Slavery

We collaborate with the Journal of Modern Slavery in our information work.

Nettside: https://slavefreetoday.org/journalhome/

Koalisjonen for Ansvarlig Næringsliv

The King Institute is a member of Koalisjonen for Ansvarlig Næringsliv (Norwegian Coalition for Responsible Business, KAN). KAN is a broad association of business, trade union movement, civil society and other movements that demand a human rights law for business.

Nettside: https://koalisjonenkan.no

Alliance 8.7

We are a partner with Alliance 8.7, which is the global initiative against forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor under sustainability goals 8.7.

Nettside: https://www.alliance87.org

ECPAT Norway

ECPAT is an international network of organizations working against the sexual exploitation of children. The King’s Institute collaborates with ECPAT Norway in the work against sexual exploitation of children online.

Nettside: https://ecpatnorge.no

Delta 8.7

DELTA 8.7 is the global knowledge platform of Alliance 8.7, which explores what are the most effective measures to eradicate forced labor, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labor under Sustainability Goals 8.7. The platform is led by UN University for Policy Research. The King Institute participates in the working group that develops global policy to identify the best measures to achieve Sustainability Goal 8.7 by 2030.

Nettside: https://delta87.org

The Savings Bank Foundation

The Savings Bank Foundation DNB supports both local and national initiatives in Norway. Since 2002, the foundation has contributed more than NOK 6 billion to public benefit. The Savings Bank Foundation supports the King Institute’s Empower program.

Nettside: https://sparebankstiftelsen.no